You Fengwei
You Fengwei was born on June 16, 1942 in Mouping, Shandong Province. He has worked as a tricycle driver, a soldier, and a laborer. He began literary writing in 1977 and was once the vice chairman of the Shandong Writers Association and chairman of the Qingdao Writers Association. More than 6 million words of his have been published so far. Dozens of his works have been published including China 1957 as well as Wars of the Past, Suits, You Fengwei‘s Novel Series (seven volumes) and so on.
You Fengwei once said that his writing “runs between history and reality”. His works involve various historical periods and objectively and truthfully describe the social appearance of the historical stages over the past 100 years. His writing has been referred to as “epic-style” by critics. You Fengwei’s novels always harbor a kind of sharp pain. This kind of pain, apparently from external conflicts in social life, actually stem from the intrinsic dilemmas of life. In a self-tearing manner, they constantly put characters in confrontations of various ethical ideas, desires for power, and human dignity. While maintaining a strong narrative tension, the novels also highlight scenarios of helplessness in life. This allows us, on the one hand, to be able to enjoy the reading pleasure brought about by the intense narrative, and on the other hand, to feel strongly the inherent power of the pain itself.
China 1957, which received resonant reactions, records and portrays the anti-Rightist movement, which brought deep misery to Chinese intellectuals. China 1957 is good reading for all people who have experienced the anti-rightist movement and those who have not. It can effectively restore those memories of the anti-rightist movement. You Fengwei, who has written about bandits and about the war, wrote this time about intellectuals. In 2001, the work was ranked first in the novel list of the Chinese Novel Society and was shortlisted for the Maodun Literature Award.
Clothing truly reflects the sum of the land reform movement in China; it is shocking and deeply thoughtful. It tells two stories separated by half a century in a time-space staggered manner. One is set against the background of the People’s Liberation War, and the other is the story of a township enterprise half a century later.
The first story’s protagonist, six progressive students from the Juexing Organization are fugitives who were swept up in the land reforms through the happenstance of history, and the second story’s protagonist is the director of a beverage factory, Wan Shengli, who is not like the successful businessmen in the novel who have come through one way or another or the image of someone who has become rich overnight, but the image of calculations of being hard up even more than the common people. War and revolution, history and reality, loyalty and betrayal, love and humanity, the entire novel presents folk memories of turbulent times in a personal oral history.
The collection Past Events of War is about the Sino-Japanese War. Among the stories in the collection is Survival, which was adapted into the film Devils on the Doorstep, which won the Cannes Film Festival Jury Award and Japan‘s Today Film Award. The short stories and novellas written in recent years, such as Mao Suit, Hanging on by a Thread, Rejection, Authenticated and so on, truly reflect China’s current social situation.
You Fengwei believes that “good literary works should have the quality of diamonds: hard and shiny.” In fact, this is what he requests of himself when he writes.